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Love Yourself






1. Affirmations help to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts.


2. It helps support your day to day mental wellbeing by encouraging you in making positive mindset changes. 


3. How we speak to ourselves has a great effect on how we think about ourselves and deal with life in general. Affirmations or positive, motivating statements can do a great deal to mitigate the effect of limiting beliefs.

You will find 3 types of online affirmation guides below:

a) 30-day Positive affirmations 



b) 30-day Positive affirmations with applied wellbeing tasks  {BEST-SELLER}



c) 30-day Positive affirmations with applied wellbeing tasks and coaching commentary 

Meditation Hand Gesture
Woman with Eyeglasses

I thoroughly enjoyed my 30-day affirmation + commentary guide. I have taken the time to think and reflect through it. I'm still struggling with goals, but I have started setting smaller milestones and I seem to be doing well with that. I'm also making decisions a lot better now too. Thank you so much! 

Jessica N, 30 day affirmation guide user

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